E-Go away - break the ego barrier

The human depth is an abyss, our drive to seek new experiences directly influences our growth.  Seeking can happen in many ways, stepping out of your comfort, entertaining foreign thoughts, places and experiences in pursuit of expansion are all the ways one can seek to grow. The trigger has many a catalyst through life's journey, extreme emotions triggered by grief, loss, elation are all ways to expand our perspective, and yet, we see so many people set in their ways, despite the opportunities presented by life there is a lack of inquisitiveness to grow. in my opinion, egotism, inflating the sense of self. Egotism keeps us comfortable, it organizes a cozy status quo inside the mental frameworks to help forward our actions in routine setting. It prevents taking a pause to challenge commonplace responses, and uses defensiveness to limit growth.  
Human beings develop a sense of self at an early age and it is colored by our environment.  We engage in this world as an adult on the basis of our evolution that takes place in our early years, we do not pay attention to breaking down the evolution process or grounding it in self-awareness at an early age, it just happens. This process builds our sense of self, and we fine tune that sense of self to one that we can be comfortable inside. Over time if this sense of self becomes egotistic, it builds a barrier around the self to stay protected from change, it is the antidote to self-awareness that would provoke growth. The need for self awareness must be explored at an earlier age if we want to create a shift. How do we make this happen?
One way I suggest we do this is to capitalize on the childhood opportunity. How to evolve is not a transparent process for the younger generation,l they rely on the experiences to expand their awareness both of the self and complex thought processes that color the world around them. Teaching wellness, stillness, self awareness as trainable endeavors to our children will help them actively engage in evolving their perception, to the extent and sometimes beyond the confines of their environments. The immense value in making the art of questioning a tool at an early age. Applaud good questions, take the time to answer questions with humility, so that children understand the power of learning and seeking. Infuse Psychological safety into the process and prevent squashing the questions that challenge you as a parent. In my mind, If children are raised in environments that disqualify disruption or prevent questions, they may be less inclined to seek because they become afraid to challenge the status quo. A type of inflexibility gets promoted and the ego protects the expansion of our perception.
Growth by its definition demands flexibility. A flexible mindset breaks the barriers created by the ego. While initially uncomfortable for some people, they may use defensiveness, blame, evasiveness, belligerence and fight to keep the ego barrier in place.  When ego wins there is no growth. However, if people give the call to growth a chance, and relax the egotistic reaction, a shift will be triggered. Taking a moment to make the journey from ego to objectivity allows a person to seek self advisement, a type of self coaching dialogue that holds space for expansion.  This allows for a healthy inward dialogue to become more intentional, question ones’ action, simmer down quick defensive responses for more intentional, well reasoned temperance. These actions enable fairness, reacting from intellect more than from ego, and lend to growth that may lead to flexibility. Human beings find comfort in boundaries, however in the fluid receptivity of one’s own flaws, lies the ability to earn the currency that affords you self-mastery.  This article is a call to urge you to keep your defensiveness at a minimum and welcome with acceptance all that flows in your direction with an inner stillness, for it will expand your perception, and enrich every interaction.


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