An interesting business from the roof with a view

As I drive to the city, I remain impressed with the human ability to thrive in the paltriest of conditions; Mumbai is probably one of the few places in the world where these situations are freely available.  One such situation piqued my interest, and ruffled my thoughts. As I was in a car admiring the intricacies of old Mumbai, I notice a shop that sold plastic tarps.  A small space with barely any room to breathe, it is made from a small opening in the wall, a small shelf to present some finished plastic products.  Looking at this space and picturing myself in it, I am claustrophobic, and take a deep breath.  As I exhale, and slump in my seat, my attention is drawn upwards towards the roof of the shop.  The roof is made of two thin sheets of aluminum reinforced together to create strength that is capable of withstanding rain and providing a cover that caps the shop.  On this roof, to my utter surprise are two plastic chairs side by side with a table in the centre where two slim figured men are enjoying a beverage.  Not only are they above the traffic but they are above their shop, and in between the shop and a window that happens to be a residence.  There is a casual discussion on-going between the men drinking the beverage and the female at the window of the residence.  They have a terrific view of the traffic and to my utter surprise; they have a ladder that provides the ability to swiftly descend should a customer require assistance.  I am impressed with the creativity of this situation.

This shop seems to be a running business, successful hence open, as I gather; these are two business men of Mumbai, taking a tea break with all provisions to ensure customer service.  Familiar words like workday, profitability, customer service, product marketing, store front etc. that make businesses thrive in the United States are all applicable here, but do not apply.  There is no central AC, no elevator, no cash registers, no barcodes, no customers and yet no stress.  I am sure they have innumerable issues to deal with, as do most people running a business but the stress of their issues seems to be lost on them, sitting there 9 feet above ground and enjoying a beverage while running their business seems impressive.  It was eye opening, reassuring that each of us is a result of our environments, creatures of habit, yearning for what becomes familiar by repetition.  It then clicks for me, my judgement melts into a pool of great appreciation for their creativity, I know now that if I were that man on the roof with a view, I would probably be enjoying that very cup of tea.


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