Empowerment or I am POWER meant

Do you ever sit still and wait for things to happen, sometimes we create efforts that lead to action, and very often, we make an effort and see no action?  How should we pack a forceful punch to create powerful action?

I am a true fan of melodramatic envisioned success, it plays in front of my eyes as I sit motionless in my living room.  The story of someone somewhere noticing my immense talents, rewarding the same with grand success as a world-famous Coach. I am not sure if this is the aftermath of reading Bollywood magazines at the age of 10, when all my peers were busy finding the countries and their capitals on the globe, or if it is a result of being left to grow inside the secure blanket of my parent’s teachings, which come in the form of action.  They are powerful doers, say it not, do it! if you must speak about your accomplishments, chances are no one noticed.  Another truth that is enlightening to me, people are very parsimonious about praise, they want to bestow it without solicitation, as soon as it is solicited, it's worth increases tenfold and no one is ready to part with it, when truly it is the only free currency we hold, kind words to lift each other up. 

The true question however is how to makes the valleys of our available time, turn into peaks of action that allow us to jump from one close peak to the next, closer to the goal at hand wherein lies the possibility of great success.  The mind has a way to create excitement for the outcome and boredom for the effort.  There are quite a few programs to detox the body and achieve body shaping goals, in that same way there needs to be a detox of the mind and a mental diet that allows the individual to clean the slate, plan the work and then pack a punch to the plan.  For this to happen, every effort needs execution.  You ask how can effort be executed? Day dreaming about your grand success takes mental effort, the actions that line up that effort to a goal become the execution.  As I say, one can make strides having a vision of success, you need to strive for your actions to reach that goal. 

We are all empowerment capable, or as the title of this post says 'I am POWER meant'. Motivation is harnessed from the physical effort that starts a power cycle to generate fuel for intended actions. What I think we need is something called a power index.  To explain further, each action to execution cycle can be made efficient by creating actions that are intended, and completely executed in the shortest time span. Once we can start to take an educated perspective to the simplest of our daily tasks, we start to collect data on the amount of intended effort needed to create a powerful action to completion cycles.  These data points allow for us to build a personal power index of our actions. For example, planning to do the laundry, then bringing the basket to the washer and leaving it there for 2 days was execution but far less powerful than washing, drying, folding and putting away before the next load is upon you or knowing that a meeting at work is upon you and leaving the study of materials to the last minute versus, setting up the meeting, reviewing materials and making notes for the meeting well in advance all help create peaks of action versus valleys of downtime in the present with an ill prepared execution.  I believe that all human beings are meant for powerful outcomes, if it is true that we are the manifestation of the universe to experience itself, then imagine the power that lies within us.  Not only are we meant to achieve all that our mind can imagine, but also be able to unleash power that is meant to forward our goal based actions into a power packed existence. As my father, my hero, always says "Never praise what is yours, if it is good it will become your signature, only create action that is the manifestation of your being".  To all such powerful actions that are the signatures penned at the bottom of all achievements, Make them count!


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