Conscious Evolution

Sometimes I am unaware on where to begin creating the action that my mind has formulated.  Channeling a thought into action takes work.  We are all plagued by Gremlins that prevent us from acting, so how do we solve for this dilemma? After carefully marinating in my inaction, and preparing for meaningfully forwarding my actions, I have found a formula that works for me. I am delighted to share it with you in the hope that you too may gain from it, even if just a little bit. Anytime I get stuck going forward, I reverse my thought pattern and thereby the resulting actions. I plan my present actions and associated next steps to fit into the story yet to unfold, a story that is to become my future even though to some, little may be known about how carefully painted it shall be by the master of my canvas, Me.  If this attribute becomes something we can all dabble with, it may actually create a wave of conscious thought action paradigm to allow for purposeful action, in quest for optimal future outcomes, for whatever little about our future may be in our control.  Life happens, but you are certainly in every alive and active moment fully capable of creating the exact footprint that you want to imprint on the signature of your life - this once in a universe embodiment, in this particular body glove.

Let me start by introducing you to Futuristic daily actions (FDA'S).  These are a great contributor to enlarging the vision, for a more purposeful life. Our present actions will color not only our present results but the trajectory that will become our future.  My FGPA Future Goal, Present Action paradigm that is simplistic yet powerful is explained below.

Future Goal – It is critical to view your future goals in parallel to everything that you are planning for your life purpose to be.  Look at all three or four of your life’s tenets and create a tag line for each so that when someone knows you or knows of you, they will remember you by these defining statements that are the compass for your present actions.  e.g. the three tenets of my life are my spiritual growth, my family and my ability to give back. 

Present Action – Once you have defined your life’s key statements, every action can be measured to manifest itself in a way that synchronizes to the goal at hand.  Eg. As I reflect on my abilities as a parent, I want my children's review of their childhood to their peers to align with my efforts at being an amazing mother. Their account of childhood stories should emanate happiness, security, togetherness, forgiveness and laughter. To make it so, I need to plan my actions to solidify this goal, so that even the learning moments are free from fault, opportunity bound, and full of forgiveness.  As an operating model, it creates a field of attraction, where those who will be attracted to you and your loved ones shall vibrate at the same frequency, making for a more optimal way of life that caters to contentment. 

Once you start to tune into the FGPA paradigm, and it starts to become the fuel to accelerate your actions, Purposeful daily living becomes your signature. This is like meditation for your actions, the more you practice the greater the benefits. This type of conscious living shall bear fruit for you, and for all those that encounter your purposeful way. Suddenly you will find that you manifest this sense of loving calmness that then caters to a more centered life and the cycle continues. Consciously evolving, once purposeful action at a time.


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